Chapter Wide
2024|2025 Board of Directors Call for Nominations
WHO: IIDA Members and Friends
WHAT: Are you interested in getting more involved in the IIDA Great Plains Chapter and making a difference within the commercial interior design industry? Or perhaps enhancing your leadership skills and sharing your talents?
We are seeking talent to elevate, advocate and celebrate the profession of Interior Design in Iowa and Nebraska. Help be the change and vision for the years ahead and apply for the IIDA Great Plains Chapter Board of Directors!
Nominations Due: February 12 | Nominate Your Peers: CLICK HERE!
Applications Due: February 25 | Apply for an Open Board Position: CLICK HERE!
Open Positions:
President Elect – 1-year term, 3-year commitment (President Elect, President, Past President): Serves as the treasurer and custodian of all monies, securities and deeds belonging to the Chapter. There must also be a willingness to serve as President and Past President in subsequent two-year period. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of Advocacy Nebraska– 2-year term: Is responsible for the Chapter’s legislative and regulatory issues, affairs, programs, professional practice, and policy development in the State of Nebraska. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of Members – 2-year term: responsible for Member recruitment and retention, and Member benefits and services. The Vice President of Membership will coordinate programs focusing on Membership recruitment and will oversee any Committees whose function is to promote Membership. This position is also responsible for leading and coordinating the judging process of the chapter's annual IDEA Awards. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of Professional Development – 2-year term: is responsible for development of Member professional education programs and conferences for the Chapter. These duties shall include recommendation and supervision of appropriate committees to formulate programs and recommend policies relating to those issues. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of Des Moines City Center – 2-year term: Is a catalyst and ultimately responsible for establishing programming and overseeing the Des Moines City Center. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of South Dakota City Center – 2-year term: Is a catalyst and ultimately responsible for establishing programming and overseeing the South Dakota City Center. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of Sponsorship – 2–year term: is responsible for recruiting and maintaining Sponsors annually (calendar year), creating and distributing sponsorship materials and communication, and any additional fundraising programs. The Vice President of Sponsorship will track and report on all sponsor and potential sponsor names, contact information, and donation allocations. It is recommended that the Vice President of Sponsorship is closely involved with special event committees to ensure sponsorship deliverables are successfully executed. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.
VP of Student Affairs – 2-year term: responsible for the development and engagement of student campus centers. These duties shall include developing and overseeing student benefit programs such as mentoring, guest lectures, and workshops. They shall act as liaison between campus centers and the Chapter Board of Directors. The Vice President of Student Affairs shall be responsible for communicating student activities to the Chapter Board of Directors and membership-at-large. CLICK HERE! to learn more about the position.