Erica Locke

Education: BS Middle Tennessee State University, 2011
Employer: I am the founder (Principal Interior Designer) of Articulate in SiouxFalls, SD
Years in Design: 13 not including internships
Years in IIDA: 5 or 6 total. I was in IIDA Tennessee Chapter during and after college
City Center: Sioux Falls, SD

What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
“Less is often more.” If I question a design decision, whether it is a pairing of materials or even the scale of an object, I will table it for sometime and come back with fresh eyes - which usually results in me taking something away or adjusting. Go with your gut!

What’s your favorite project that you’ve worked on and why?
It is difficult to choose one, but the Maguire Iron campus in Sioux Falls, SD is high up there. It’s currently in construction and to be completed April of 2024. I have found it rare to work with a client like Maguire that gives so much ownership and input from their people throughout the entire design process. It has been inspiring to see their faces light up as they take ownership in key decisions and the future of the new campus. We are also aiming for Fitwel (Healthy Building) Certification so that has been a fun learning experience helping to develop and design within the guidelines.

What inspired you to go into your line of work?
Since an early age, I have enjoyed the challenge of being creative while working with technicalities. I originally believed I was going to be an architect,but I realized over time that I am more concerned with thinking outside of the box within a space, the finishes and materiality, use of light, and the effect color can have on interior spaces/users. There are so many inspiring parts and pieces. I still get to work with Architects every day and learn fromthem, so it’s a win-win! I’m energized by the comradery and mutual trust between the disciplines.

Do you have any rules or philosophies that steer you in design and/or career?
One of the greatest driving forces of my design career is working with people to solve problems. I put a LOT of focus on creating diverse and fulfilling client experiences and I place a high value on collaboration. I believe my passion for design is evident throughout my work and enhanced through repeat clients. Design is a rewarding career. I am so grateful for all my experiences that led me to the present.

What type/niche of design are you most passionate about?
Corporate, Historic preservation (renovations), and Healthcare are high on my list, but I truthfully enjoy every opportunity because there is somethingto be learned on every project. I believe that to stay sharp you need to keep learning and challenging yourself.

When needing a break from it all what helps you escape?
Being outdoors with people I love, and bonus points if it’s near the ocean.

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Anna Mumm